Moving away from the simplistic question of whether SARMs elevate blood pressure, it’s vital to delve into the extent to which each particular SARM affects blood pressure in an individual.

To gain an understanding of the connection between SARMs and blood pressure, this article delivers a brief outline of blood lipids. It is then followed by an exploration of how SARMs influence blood pressure. Finally, the article concludes by presenting three valuable recommendations for successfully regulating blood pressure.

Table of Contents
1. HDL Cholesterol And SARMs
2. Expected Blood Pressure Increase On SARMs
3. How To Mitigate Blood Pressure Increase On SARMs
4. Conclusion

HDL Cholesterol And SARMs

SARMs can elevate blood pressure by negatively affecting blood lipids. HDL cholesterol, known as “good cholesterol,” plays a crucial role in blood pressure regulation. However, SARMs can disrupt blood lipids, including HDL cholesterol, potentially resulting in hypertension. The impact on blood pressure varies depending on the specific SARM.

Potent SARMs can significantly lower beneficial cholesterol levels, leading to a substantial increase in blood pressure, which may persist for months even after discontinuing SARMs. To ensure overall health, it is advisable to undergo blood lipid testing before and after a SARM cycle. Although not everyone experiences elevated blood pressure while using SARMs, hypertension appears to be a common side effect.

Expected Blood Pressure Increase On SARMs

1. Ostarine

Clinical trials encompassing more than a thousand subjects, encompassing children, have demonstrated that Ostarine exerts minimal impact on blood pressure. Over an eight-week Ostarine cycle, a minor rise of roughly 5 to 10 mmHg in blood pressure may occur. Nevertheless, this increase is regarded as negligible, and individuals without preexisting hypertension concerns need not be alarmed. For the general population, Ostarine is considered safe, and its influence on blood pressure is not a matter of concern.

Fina-bolic MK-2866 Sarms Affect Blood Pressure

2. Ligandrol

Ligandrol outperforms Ostarine in terms of its effectiveness for muscle mass and strength enhancements. Nevertheless, its effect on blood pressure varies among individuals and lacks uniformity. When using Ligandrol, it is exceedingly improbable to encounter a blood pressure elevation surpassing 10 mmHg.

Fina-bolic LGD-4033

3. RAD140

In contrast to the prevailing belief, RAD140 has a somewhat stronger propensity to increase blood pressure when compared to Ligandrol. Strikingly, RAD140 can potentially elevate blood pressure by as much as 25 mmHg, a matter of notable concern.

Fina-bolic RAD-140

4. Andarine

I frequently characterize Andarine as an inferior alternative to Ostarine due to its notably uncomfortable side effects. Nonetheless, both Andarine and Ostarine have a similar impact on blood pressure, resulting in a minor rise that is typically considered inconsequential. It’s important to mention that in a discontinued study involving individuals who encountered vision issues, there was no indication of elevated blood pressure. Therefore, while using Andarine, a modest increase of around 5 to 10 mmHg can be anticipated. Nevertheless, I advise selecting Ostarine, as it is a superior SARM with fewer side effects.

Fina-bolic S4

5. YK11

As we explore more potent options, it’s essential to highlight that YK11 is certain to boost your blood pressure, typically within the range of 10 to 30 mmHg. Although there are rare cases where individuals may not encounter an elevation in blood pressure, it’s the norm. If you previously thought that monitoring your lipid levels before and after using the initial four SARMs was unnecessary, it’s imperative to reconsider your standpoint.

Fina-bolic Yk-11

6. S23

Considered the most formidable SARM in existence, S23 has exhibited astonishing elevations of up to 40 mmHg throughout a cycle. A scientific investigation involving rodents, even showcased the potential to cause infertility, emphasizing its exceptional potency.

Fina-bolic SARMs S23

How To Mitigate Blood Pressure Increase On SARMs

In this talk, we will explore three frequently utilized techniques for efficiently controlling elevated blood pressure while using SARMs. We have personally assessed and encountered significant benefits with all of these remedies, except for Tadalafil. Without any more delay, let’s dive into the details!

1. Cardarine

Cardarine acts as a liver-centric blood pressure regulator that efficiently reduces blood pressure. Its process involves the breakdown of LDL (undesirable) cholesterol and other fatty acids in the liver, consequently elevating HDL (beneficial) cholesterol levels.

Fina-bolic SARMs GW-50156 Sarms affect blood pressure

2. Tadalafil

Tadalafil, commonly known as Cialis, is a medication primarily recommended for treating erectile dysfunction. Its mechanism involves increasing nitric oxide levels in the body, thus enhancing blood circulation. Nitric oxide also aids in lowering blood pressure, rendering it a beneficial addition to your regimen. While I haven’t personally used it, seasoned bodybuilders have confirmed its efficacy.

3. Environmental and Dietary Changes

To protect your blood lipids from additional damage, it’s essential to maintain a nutritious diet while using SARMs. Opt for a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables, low in fat, and moderate in carbohydrates. Major lifestyle changes like moving aren’t necessary. However, it’s crucial to spend at least 20 to 30 minutes in sunlight daily. Despite its seemingly small impact, sunlight exposure stimulates nitric oxide production, which once again helps in reducing blood pressure.


Like other androgens, SARMs can raise blood pressure. Nevertheless, based on my encounters, I consider Ostarine the most secure option, having employed it on several occasions without experiencing any worrying outcomes. If you’re interested in obtaining Ostarine or any of the other SARMs and substances discussed in this piece, please consult the suggested sources for a dependable acquisition.

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